Christian Musings

Celebration with a Little Kitsch

“Thyme’s toes, Indira!” MayRose whispered in mortified amusement at some of the guests’ garish clothing. “Why is my sight tortured with kitsch colours for today’s Celebration of Harmony?!”

“They are trying to portray the symbols of my parents’ kingdom. I find their effort endearing, given the short notice.” Indira smiled at them in sentimental appreciation.

“My Queen”, A province chief and his lady made obeisance.

Indira warmly welcomed them.

Weekend Writing Prompt #198 – Kitsch
Life, Parenting Series, Sanguine thoughts, Singles' issues, Stories

A (Minor?)Breach of Privacy

Dear Diary,

Should it make any marginal difference if I don’t have a New Year Resolution?

“Yes it should”, Crownie’s mother said indignantly over her daughter’s shoulder.

Crownie jumped and shrieked.

Weekend Writing Prompt #190 – Marginal
Christian Musings, Sanguine thoughts, Singles' issues

Beauty Within

Hello Everyone!

I was reading Isaiah 53 until I halted at verse 2. Now, that doesn’t seem long, but it was talking about the Messiah, in a way I had not read before.

Verse two, halted me to a point I had to write what came to mind.

“”For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he had no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him

What?! Are they implying that Jesus was not handsome?!

Not only that. That verse emphasised that he was not desirable to look upon either — beauty wise.

Then I smiled wryly.

Maybe that was why women were not beating down his door for marriage.

I imagined he must have been comfortable and safe for the women — after all if I read this verse right — Jesus wasn’t a hottie.

But he had a heart of gold; prepared to die for mankind to be saved, and then demonstrated the love, that a married couple should have for each other — how a husband should love his wife and how a wife should relate to her husband — though he was never married.

Then I thought of how women will not find a man attractive because he’s not that attractive. And how women could often miss out, on being with a good man, like Jesus who may not have been beautiful, comely, attractive.

I just wonder, “How many Jesus-like men do we have, that single women are missing out on?!”

This is a sore subject for a lot of women. They miss out on the right kind of man because they are looking for the right kind of look, rather than looking at the heart of the man — his ability and willingness to love, to cherish, guide, befriend and protect.

Most times we just befriend them and make ourselves the matchmaker; deciding who is good or not good enough for him, without thinking we could be that woman.

Why befriend a man you can’t marry?

Why befriend him? Especially if you know that he wants more than friendship with you?

I know you have to pray and ask for God’s direction, but make sure, that you are not throwing away something good because he does not look hot enough.

We usually can sense a good man when we see him. Make your choice! Do not play with a man’s feelings.

And don’t stand in the way.

Don’t be the gatekeeper standing in the way, to scrutinize any woman that might be the woman, you have refused to be, for him.

Be woman enough, to make your decision and stand with it — even if and when you have to stand alone.

Stay safe, stay healthy and SHALOM 🍋

Christian Musings, Parenting Series, Purpose and life's mission, Stories

Fight, Kim. Not Run (Yet)

Hello, Wonderfully Made Folks! I know it’s hard on a lot of us, as we are required to stay home and dress like a surgeon, anytime we have a (very important) NEED to go out. But I believe like one heroine says, “this too shall pass”.

Thirty minutes prior to typing this post, I was watching on Instagram, Monique, an Oscar Award winner, boxing in the gym. And she was encouraging us to fight for our health and well-being.

Then I watched a commentary, about a Black soul singer whose name is being snatched from her, by a singing group who happen to be mostly white. I said mostly because they look white to me.

The name they are both dragging is Lady A. What I learnt from this though, is this:

Focusing on growth is good, but you need to PROTECT your brand like it’s worth one trillion. Copyright ©️ and safeguard your works, ideas, name… everything, so if anyone wants to blindside or rob you, they would have to pay dearly for the attempt.

Now I’m race-right/light/good, fighting against race-wrong/evil/dark. My racial ideology consists of more than colour, culture, or location.

But I am aware that racism and racial superiority complex exist and many black people are at the receiving end of having their ideas, works, brand and names stolen from them; and the system seems biased in favour of the thieves. 

Then the coup de grace happened, while I was watching a commentary of Kanye & Kim’s current situation. And that just drove me here to speak my mind.

Already, I have been seeing and hearing their names being mentioned with tension, with some folks being too gleeful about it.

Now, when glee is laced with the mention of this couple, you know it is not a jolly time for the couple. I’m not a fan of either, because I can’t relate to their lifestyle, but that doesn’t warrant wishing them ill will, now does it?

Well, according to the commentator (who was sounding too sunny by the way, but I would like to think that’s his natural manner of speaking), Kanye had tweeted that his wife, Kim, is a white supremacist! That among other accusations. (What! On twitter — in public– for goodness sake!)

You know. This is why I tried to encourage us in the first paragraph of this post. Because this stay-at-home pandemic seems to be shaking “things” out of people. 

Maybe it’s having to stay indoors all day every day with people you hardly spend time with, that is pushing people to the limit of their endurance. Dr D.K. Olukoya once said, that when people are shaken like a bottle, it’s what is in them that will come out. If nothing is in them, nothing will come out!

The world is going through shaking, and a lot is coming out.

Back to the couple.

So Kim’s reply was that she is considering divorce. Well, my humble opinion is that Kim should consider fighting on Kanye’s turf.

When I say fight here’s what I mean:

Kanye: My wife is a white supremacist etc…

Kim: Hey husband!😲 Take that back! That isn’t funny😐

See? That’s fighting. Since he’s decided to publicly accuse her, then she should publicly reply him. Like they are having a private argument/conversation gone public. Politeness is required and easy to do, because typing your thoughts and response, is slower than a verbal response. Written words can be edited for better understanding and communication, but no spoken words.

Running away and not addressing what he has tweeted, puts a stamp of credibility to his accusations.

I understand that it hurts because a husband is supposed to be his wife’s cover, confidant, mentor, friend, and supportive critique (not public!) among other things.

However, I don’t know what has been brewing behind closed doors. But whatever the case may or may not be, don’t/shouldn’t they have a marriage counsellor in their corner, they can talk to anytime talking to each other, is not working?

I had to give you a preview of what I had fed on before reaching this couple’s issue. Because I think that is what inspired the theme fight, in this post.

It was Nelson Mandela who said, “Speak to a man in a language he understands, and it goes to his head. Speak to a man in his own language, and it goes to his heart.”

Obviously, speaking to Kanye’s head might be out of the question for Kim. But I think she ought to fight, by speaking to his heart in his own language.

At this moment, he’s speaking twitter. Good. Then have a conversation with and engage him on twitter.

I heard she’s a lawyer now. It’s time to use those skills to defend herself in the court of public opinion and bring her husband to heel.

I guess it’s for the best, she have a “Red Table Talk” kind of conversation, with her husband on twitter.

She needs to politely ask him to prove his accusations and if he can’t or his accusations are found to be untrue, she must firmly and respectfully demand he gives her a public twitter apology — since that’s where it became public.

Fight Kim, but don’t run away by getting a divorce. 

Stay safe and healthy!

Shalom! #10 Regretful Happenings 

Christian Musings, Life


 Hello, Wonderfully made! I hope we are staying safe and healthy.

From the topic, some of us may already guess what this is about. But just in case you don’t, I will brief you.

Jada Smith suggested that she got “entangled” with another man while she was on a marriage hiatus.

She said this to her husband on her show, where it’s just two people at a table. This time it was her husband and her.

Very interesting.

I don’t like to talk about people especially when they have done what’s wrong — in my view.

However, I want to address the issues surrounding this saga and there are many angles to this story.

In this post, I want to talk about the other man. 

It seems it was the other man who first mentioned the entanglement.

He talked about how it affected him and it turns out he’s releasing a song titled “Entanglement”.

I think he feels rejected. Or dumped. And perhaps used. Whichever it was, I’m sure it doesn’t feel good.

I have yet to watch the interview, August (one of his names) gave. The little I have heard especially from Jada, turned my stomach. As I type this I feel slightly nauseous.

I think he should have expected this though, but for reasons, best known to him and Jada, he’s traumatised by the entanglement. Coupled with the fact that he was going through some issues that may need a psychologist to fix. Apparently, he and she chose to handle it in-house since rumour has it he’s somewhat a family friend. They got closer and the rest is still unfolding.

Again I believe part of what ails the man is The sting of rejection. 

Apparently, he assumed they would become a couple. That, or he later realised he had become too emotionally attached to her and whatever did happen between them, that he is now suffering withdrawal syndrome or is it symptoms?

Either or, he’s so pained or miffed about it, that could no longer keep it to himself: that something happened between him and a married woman during her marital break time. 

To all and sundry, let’s take these lessons:

  • Do not get entangled — at all. If you do, you will feel trapped. Actually, you will be trapped. So if you cherish your freedom, anything that isn’t clear and concise, just steer clear. 
  • Steer clear of a romantic interest who is married! Really, you can’t win. Rather, it will do you in. You will be sucked into all their issues that extends to their children and spouse. Besides, karma is not extinct. Do to others what you want to be done to you and this warning wouldn’t be necessary. 
  • Respect other people’s feelings and relationships. I’m talking of those “they” are in relationships with or married to and the children.
  • Respect yourself. If you have a proper value structure. There are troubles that you skip by because you refuse to demean yourself in any way.
  • Seek help in the appropriate places from trained professionals. It is way too easy to become infatuated to the person who is trying to help you. And next thing you know, you have built a castle or city in the sky featuring that person as your partner. By the time you realise they either see you as a sibling or their child, you are already emotionally entangled, if not mentally also. A professional knows how to assist you, without leaving you worse than they met you. 
  • Maintain emotional distance. You don’t want to get entangled? Don’t get emotionally involved. This pandemic has reinforced some traditions that kept people from starting something they should not have began, to start with. There are cultures that had what I will call gender segregation. Women had their quarters, so did men. They only mixed in supervised circumstances. Even at social gatherings, women sat on one side while men sat at the other. In such arrangements, temptations are minimal with little or no opportunity to yield. Keep physical and emotional distance from the opposite gender, that isn’t in your nuclear family.

The ripple effect of this entanglement saga is far-reaching. Like an octopus with many tentacles.

I will be back to post my perspective on the other angles.

Stay safe, stay healthy in your body, soul and spirit.

Shalom! 2. City in the Sky, 5. The Sting of Rejection

Christian Musings, Jehovah, Life, Purpose and life's mission

Are we Humane Beings?

I was on youtube watching “Conversations with America”. Bishop T.D. Jakes was the host featuring a group of senior police officers, retired police officers and a psychologist who works with the army on mental health.

The topic was Police Brutality. And the Bishop was asking a lot of questions to understand why it happens and what causes it.

One of the officers said they are not always taught to be human, but to just get the job done.

And the psychologist said, “If you need to be taught to be human, you shouldn’t be hired at all.”

Someone in the comment section highlighted that statement and this response just hit me. I just kept writing. Here it is:

Unfortunately, we all have to “become” human beings. Remember the story of the “Good Samaritan”? All those who ought to know better walked past the wounded man. How many times have we as individuals “walked past”?

There are people who wouldn’t have joined the protest if they still had to go to work or identify with some “fraternity”. But priorities have narrowed down to food, shelter, health and security. Fear of “it could have been me” got many to rush out realising what they have probably been ignoring or not paying adequate attention to and not taking practical steps, toward a society of equity.

That’s why being born again prevails over just being okay, with being a “good person”. 

It takes courage and a certain level of God’s anointing to do the right thing, ALWAYS. Especially, when it’s “dangerous”, inconvenient, or when we’re at risk of losing something of value.

Becoming humane is a journey we all need to take with love for the service of God and humanity.

What do you think?

Christian Musings, Jehovah, Sanguine thoughts

Untwist the Truth

What do we do about people who twist the truth and insult those who point it out?

As a Christian a lot is expected of you in God’s Kingdom and in relating with others for the development of all.

Some people who I’m beginning to think are trying to create hype, are always verbally attacking anyone whose expression and interpretation contradicts their own.

Hard as I try understanding people whose lives aren’t that sterling, but think it’s their duty to impose corrections filled with faults on everybody else, sounds hilarious, except I’m not laughing. 

Reading the Bible is a study in mystery that I think someone should write a book on.

The Word of God is a living breathing Word, powerful enough to make flesh. 

It’s a cleanser, purifier, transformer, healer, comforter, shelter, edifier and so much more.

It is also a double edged sword and a mirror.

And if you think too highly of yourself, you are likely to see only what you want to see in the mirror-like sword and then point it against others.

Your reason or should I say motive for reading the Bible is more important than the reading itself — God forgive me if saying that is a sin.

Because you read your motives into what you are reading. Therefore if you are looking to justify yourself in what is wrong, you will likely find an example that may seem to agree with you.

The right way to read God’s Word is to have the motive to right your ways to God’s satisfaction. Anything less than that is no different from reading history or the law. 

God’s Word is HIStory. If we want something different from that then we should write our own story.

Plagiarism is still a crime, I believe.

Reading into God’s Word what isn’t there is no different from plagiarism.

The last statement of the Bible in the Book of Revelations is clear on how God feels about twisting HIS Truth.

It’s save and wise even, not to get it twisted.


Christian Musings

Let there be Peace! 

Peace is underrated, peace of mind that is. And I dare say, peace in every aspect and facet of life. 

If not, why would you remain in a situation or relationship were emotions are constantly running high? 

Why would someone or a group of people want to impose their ideology on others? 

Why would some women choose to be with or stay with a man, who disrespects, abuses and walks all over them, because they want to maintain the ‘I have a man’ or ‘I’m in a relationship’ status, or because they don’t want to be alone? 

Why are people treated like pariahs because they refuse to accept or tolerate anything or anyone that, or who is a threat, to their peace? 

Why is a woman’s standard deemed too high even when it’s obvious that her standards are not because she’s arrogant, but to maintain tranquillity in her world?

Why is the ‘live and let live mantra’ so difficult to adhere to? 

Why must I do what you want at the expense of my faith and conscience, because ‘the law’ is on your side? Isn’t that blackmail and bullying? 

Why is peace, shanti, paz — and all else peace might be called in different languages — not so important as it should be? 

It would seem like some people are just enemies of peace, as evidenced by the way they disrupt other people’s hard-earned peaceful existence, just for the heck of it. 

Who does that

Someone who lacks something and loathes others having it, that’s who. And unfortunately for the human race, there are so many of those ‘whos’ every where you look — and you wouldn’t need to look far — at work, home, neighbourhood, family, church, gatherings, social media, etc. 

It’s just crazy! It’s a sadistic behaviour that more often than not, has laws backing them! Imagine that

I was upset when I read about the Baker in Colorado, U.S.A, who was taken to court by a gay couple for ‘discrimination’.

And how did this discrimination happen? They came in asking for a wedding cake. The baker asked who the cake was for, and the men replied it was for them as a couple because they were getting married to each other. The Baker apologetically declined to bake a cake for their marriage based on his beliefs as a Christian, but they were welcome to any of his other available services. 

Apparently, declining to bake a wedding cake for gay couples is a crime, even if your religious beliefs are on the line. 

My first reaction was, “Were there no talented Bakers in this gentlemen’s community they could easily patronise?’ ‘Why should you force people to accept your choice?’ ‘Are you not infringing on the choice of another?’ 

I thought that was passive bullying. 

If your intentions are indeed noble, why would you want someone whose believes contradict your event to make your ceremonial cake? Forgive me if I don’t get the logic here. 

I understand that they will feel rejected, no matter how gently they were rejected. But more often than not, it doesn’t make a true Christian happy to turn away anyone. It’s about pleasing God according to His word. Pleasing me doesn’t even factor in here. So pardon me, but if you are living by a code or rule that you can only express yourself within it, would you make exception for others, when you can’t make an exception for yourself?

 What do we think, “love your neighbour as yourself” means? It means what I cant do, or permit myself to do, I won’t encourage or support my neighbours to do the same, because I love them as I love myself

I can only give you what I have. So if what I have does not sit well with you, then find someone who can give you what you seek. Instead of insisting, I give you what I’m not allowed to give you.

That is living and letting others, live, even as you gently convince them of a better — gospel of Christ — way to live and love. 

It is well. Shalom! 💚🌎💚