Christian Musings, Jehovah, Sanguine thoughts

Untwist the Truth

What do we do about people who twist the truth and insult those who point it out?

As a Christian a lot is expected of you in God’s Kingdom and in relating with others for the development of all.

Some people who I’m beginning to think are trying to create hype, are always verbally attacking anyone whose expression and interpretation contradicts their own.

Hard as I try understanding people whose lives aren’t that sterling, but think it’s their duty to impose corrections filled with faults on everybody else, sounds hilarious, except I’m not laughing. 

Reading the Bible is a study in mystery that I think someone should write a book on.

The Word of God is a living breathing Word, powerful enough to make flesh. 

It’s a cleanser, purifier, transformer, healer, comforter, shelter, edifier and so much more.

It is also a double edged sword and a mirror.

And if you think too highly of yourself, you are likely to see only what you want to see in the mirror-like sword and then point it against others.

Your reason or should I say motive for reading the Bible is more important than the reading itself — God forgive me if saying that is a sin.

Because you read your motives into what you are reading. Therefore if you are looking to justify yourself in what is wrong, you will likely find an example that may seem to agree with you.

The right way to read God’s Word is to have the motive to right your ways to God’s satisfaction. Anything less than that is no different from reading history or the law. 

God’s Word is HIStory. If we want something different from that then we should write our own story.

Plagiarism is still a crime, I believe.

Reading into God’s Word what isn’t there is no different from plagiarism.

The last statement of the Bible in the Book of Revelations is clear on how God feels about twisting HIS Truth.

It’s save and wise even, not to get it twisted.


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